Don’t Be a Jerk at Work. (But Don’t Be Too Nice, Either.) | Kanebridge News
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Don’t Be a Jerk at Work. (But Don’t Be Too Nice, Either.)

How devolving into people-pleasing can hold back your career

Tue, Aug 1, 2023 8:34amGrey Clock 4 min

How nice should you be at work?

We’ve supposedly moved on from the era of the militaristic chief executive who barks orders and threats. Most of us agree: We don’t like jerks. Be kind, we implore our kids.

Then we get to the office. We’ve got direct reports to rally, colleagues in other departments to convince and bosses who claim they want honest feedback. Speak with hesitation and you’re ignored. Handle your team with kid gloves and you’re a pushover, not a force to be reckoned with.

“I, personally, think you’re too nice a person to be in the job that you’re in.” That’s what Rep. Greg Murphy (R., N.C.) told Katherine Tai, the lead trade negotiator for the U.S., this spring during a hearing. His comments summed up feedback so many of us, especially women, have heard. We’re too bubbly or kind. We deploy too many apologies or exclamation marks. Yet when we do too little of all that, we’re overly aggressive.

“I want to be a nice person,” Sarah Kleinberg, the director of operations at a healthcare consulting firm, told me. She has realised, though, that being nice often makes others feel good, without actually moving a project forward or prompting a team member to improve.

“You have to have the level of confidence to be beyond people-pleasing,” she says.

‘Customer-service voice’

Many people, desperate not to offend, resort to what speaking coach Samara Bay calls “customer-service voice.” It’s that high-pitched, upspeak-y tone meant to inform the barista, I think you might be out of oat milk?

What are we saying when we use that tone? “I’m not powerful, don’t worry,” Bay says.

Making yourself non intimidating and as small as possible might work earlier in careers, she adds, making the people in charge feel secure. But as we ascend, or try to, the wavering voices can confuse others. Do it enough and people might question whether you’re leadership material, Bay says.

She recommends a vocal exercise for speaking more confidently. Pretend that you’re introducing yourself—“Hi, my name is Rachel”—while throwing a pretend ball against the wall. Match your vocal pitch to the ball’s trajectory. When you throw the ball down to the ground, you’ll hear your voice droop in energy along with the ball. Then throw the ball up, and notice the way your words sound as if you’re half taking them back. Last, throw the ball straight and allow your words to follow through, too.

“It’s the weirdest feeling to say something and mean it all the way to the end,” Bay says. “It feels brave.”

No hedging allowed

When pitching an idea, don’t undercut yourself with hedging language, says Bob Bordone, a negotiations coach. He cringes at questions like: “Would you be willing to consider letting me work remotely on Fridays?”

“It makes me just want to say no because it’s such a weak thing,” he says.

Instead, he says, start with a statement: “I wanted to talk to you about working out a new schedule.” Assure that any agreement you come to would be good for your manager and the company.

When someone tells you no, Bordone suggests trying: “How can we tackle this, even though we see it differently?” You sound strong and assertive, but not nasty, he says.

Good news for the nice guys among us: You don’t have to give up your personality to be taken seriously.

“I’m, 99.9% of the time, a jovial, happy-go-lucky guy,” says Colton Schweitzer, a user-experience designer and educator in Vancouver, Wash. When he doesn’t like the direction a project is going, he pushes back by asking questions and inserting the occasional joke.

“I’m smiling,” he says, “Even when I’m saying, ‘Are you sure about that?’”

Because he’s so pleasant, his serious moments carry weight. At one job, he cheerfully took on more work when colleagues asked—until his manager asked him to pick up the slack for an underperforming employee. He gave a resolute no. His manager dropped the issue, and seemed surprised and impressed by his response, he says.

“It’s like a currency,” he says of invoking a more stern style. “When I use it, it’s really valuable.”

Less yelling, more intensity

To be tough but not jerky, set clear expectations, says Harry Kraemer, a professor of leadership at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.

Before teaching, Kraemer rose to be chief executive of Baxter International, the healthcare company where he worked for 25 years. As a new manager, he would try to be everyone’s breezy friend, shrugging it off when his team turned in a project hours past deadline. The second time it happened, he devolved into yelling, only to realise he hadn’t made the stakes clear from the start.

“If I focus on being liked, the chance of being respected is very low,” he says.

He adopted a new leadership style of, “I’m not going to surprise you.” He says the yelling just made him look out of control, but following through with consequences worked. When his team missed sales targets, he gathered them for a two-hour debrief—no smiling, his voice intense.

“I don’t need a sorry,” he would tell them. “Hit the number. Do what you told me you were going to do.”

Dinah Davis, a Realtor in Highlands, N.C., still remembers advice an old friend gave her years ago on the golf course. The friend was a skilled neurosurgeon known for being direct, not touchy-feely.

“I have a great bedside manner,” she told Davis. “I just don’t have time for it.”

The advice was freeing for Davis, a former lawyer more comfortable with staunch negotiations than chirpy small talk.

“Do you want your pilot to be nice?” Davis asks. “Or do you want your pilot to get the plane on the ground?”


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Chalhoub Group Launches the Second Cohort of the Fashion Lab in Saudi Arabia

To empower local talents in the fashion industry

Fri, Jun 28, 2024 3 min

The Chalhoub Group has unveiled the second edition of the Fashion Lab, an innovative initiative designed to support and nurture local fashion talent in Saudi Arabia. Powered by The Greenhouse, Chalhoub Group’s hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, and in collaboration with the Saudi100 program, the Fashion Lab opens its doors to a new cohort of Saudi Arabian fashion brands specializing in ready-to-wear, accessories, handbags, and jewelry.

Fashion entrepreneurs across the Kingdom are now invited to apply for this intensive six-month program. The Fashion Lab is crafted to provide participants with an intensive curriculum that covers essential aspects of fashion business fundamentals, commercialization strategies, and entrepreneurial skills.

This initiative is a testament to Chalhoub Group’s dedication to contributing to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, fostering local talent, and driving innovation within the Saudi fashion industry.

Joaquin Mencia, Chief Innovation Officer at Chalhoub Group

Joaquin Mencia, Chief Innovation Officer at Chalhoub Group, commented: “The Fashion Lab is yet another testament to Chalhoub Group’s unwavering commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in the Saudi fashion scene. After the great success of the first cohort of the Fashion Lab, we are launching Cohort 2 with double the efforts and expanding our perks for the next batch of Saudi fashion brands. With the exciting addition of The Greenhouse’s newly opened location in Riyadh, we are well-prepared to host Cohort 2 in a dynamic environment designed to nurture creativity and innovation. We are committed to providing an unparalleled experience that will empower the next generation of Saudi fashion brands to thrive and reach new heights.”

The first cohort of The Fashion Lab produced remarkable success stories that highlight the program’s impact. Brands like KAFBYKAF have gone on to receive significant acclaim. “The Fashion Lab gave KAFBYKAF the unique experience of selling on a Chalhoub Group platform and receiving guidance and exclusive access to senior leaders and retail experts from the Group, which was incredibly valuable to my brand,” said Kawthar Alhoraish, Founder of KAFBYKAF. “I recommend this program for any brand ready for acceleration.”

Joseph Chalhoub, General Manager of Fashion KSA at Chalhoub Group

“Having worked closely with the brands in the first cohort of The Fashion Lab, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible talent and potential within the Saudi fashion industry,” said Joseph Chalhoub, General Manager of Fashion KSA at Chalhoub Group. “This program is a transformative journey that provides real support, knowledge sharing from retail experts, and commercial opportunities for local brands to thrive.”

This year’s cohort will offer ten Saudi brands a unique chance to gain mentorship and guidance from prestigious partners such as Boltable Studios, Instagram and Snap Inc. The program will be hybrid, based out of Riyadh, and will feature approximately 30 exclusive mentorship and workshop sessions. Successful applicants will have the rare opportunity to bring their collections to life on one of Chalhoub Group’s sales channels.

For more information and to apply, visit The Fashion Lab’s official webpage from June 27 until July 18, 2024, on the following link:


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