Exploring the Elegance and Value of Dubai's Fine Dining Scene | Kanebridge News
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Exploring the Elegance and Value of Dubai’s Fine Dining Scene

Fine dining is all about paying good attention to the small details, offering excellent service, and creating beautiful settings.

By Marie Habib
Wed, Feb 14, 2024 4:00pmGrey Clock 2 min

This kind of dining has been around for hundreds of years. It gained popularity during the French Revolution, as chefs formerly employed by wealthy families started serving anyone who could afford their meals.

Between the 19th and early 20th centuries, fine dining continuously improved and expanded. By the mid-20th century, it underwent even further transformation as fine dining restaurants began to emphasize not just on the taste but also on the presentation of their dishes, while also exploring new ingredients and culinary methods.

Lately, several fine dining restaurants have shifted towards a more relaxed style to appeal to a wider range of diners, all while preserving the distinctiveness of their culinary experiences. Dubai, celebrated for its exceptional tourism, has emerged as a major hub for this kind of fine dining. The city draws in renowned chefs and innovative culinary concepts from across the globe, establishing itself as a prime destination for food enthusiasts.

Several elements are driving the expansion of the UAE’s fine dining industry. The country’s multicultural population has a strong appetite for varied culinary adventures. Furthermore, its thriving tourism sector draws numerous international guests in search of upscale dining options. Additionally, the overall economic prosperity in the region provides residents with increased disposable income for indulging in luxurious dining experiences. These contributing factors together bolster the ongoing growth and allure of fine dining in Dubai, solidifying its status as a dynamic hub of gastronomic brilliance.

However, as fine dining becomes increasingly popular, questions are being raised about whether the high costs associated with these experiences are truly justified.

Views on the worth of fine dining vary. Sixty percent of those who’ve indulged in fine dining feel that the meticulous attention to detail, the depth of flavors, and the impressive presentation make the expense worthwhile.

However, not everyone agrees. Approximately 40% of individuals who have experienced fine dining remain skeptical. They argue that the steep prices of fine dining do not consistently reflect the value of the experience. Therefore, even though Dubai’s fine dining scene is flourishing, offering numerous distinctive dining choices, the perception of its value varies, hinging on personal viewpoints.


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Chalhoub Group Launches the Second Cohort of the Fashion Lab in Saudi Arabia

To empower local talents in the fashion industry

Fri, Jun 28, 2024 3 min

The Chalhoub Group has unveiled the second edition of the Fashion Lab, an innovative initiative designed to support and nurture local fashion talent in Saudi Arabia. Powered by The Greenhouse, Chalhoub Group’s hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, and in collaboration with the Saudi100 program, the Fashion Lab opens its doors to a new cohort of Saudi Arabian fashion brands specializing in ready-to-wear, accessories, handbags, and jewelry.

Fashion entrepreneurs across the Kingdom are now invited to apply for this intensive six-month program. The Fashion Lab is crafted to provide participants with an intensive curriculum that covers essential aspects of fashion business fundamentals, commercialization strategies, and entrepreneurial skills.

This initiative is a testament to Chalhoub Group’s dedication to contributing to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, fostering local talent, and driving innovation within the Saudi fashion industry.

Joaquin Mencia, Chief Innovation Officer at Chalhoub Group

Joaquin Mencia, Chief Innovation Officer at Chalhoub Group, commented: “The Fashion Lab is yet another testament to Chalhoub Group’s unwavering commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in the Saudi fashion scene. After the great success of the first cohort of the Fashion Lab, we are launching Cohort 2 with double the efforts and expanding our perks for the next batch of Saudi fashion brands. With the exciting addition of The Greenhouse’s newly opened location in Riyadh, we are well-prepared to host Cohort 2 in a dynamic environment designed to nurture creativity and innovation. We are committed to providing an unparalleled experience that will empower the next generation of Saudi fashion brands to thrive and reach new heights.”

The first cohort of The Fashion Lab produced remarkable success stories that highlight the program’s impact. Brands like KAFBYKAF have gone on to receive significant acclaim. “The Fashion Lab gave KAFBYKAF the unique experience of selling on a Chalhoub Group platform and receiving guidance and exclusive access to senior leaders and retail experts from the Group, which was incredibly valuable to my brand,” said Kawthar Alhoraish, Founder of KAFBYKAF. “I recommend this program for any brand ready for acceleration.”

Joseph Chalhoub, General Manager of Fashion KSA at Chalhoub Group

“Having worked closely with the brands in the first cohort of The Fashion Lab, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible talent and potential within the Saudi fashion industry,” said Joseph Chalhoub, General Manager of Fashion KSA at Chalhoub Group. “This program is a transformative journey that provides real support, knowledge sharing from retail experts, and commercial opportunities for local brands to thrive.”

This year’s cohort will offer ten Saudi brands a unique chance to gain mentorship and guidance from prestigious partners such as Boltable Studios, Instagram and Snap Inc. The program will be hybrid, based out of Riyadh, and will feature approximately 30 exclusive mentorship and workshop sessions. Successful applicants will have the rare opportunity to bring their collections to life on one of Chalhoub Group’s sales channels.

For more information and to apply, visit The Fashion Lab’s official webpage from June 27 until July 18, 2024, on the following link:



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