From Engineering to Real Estate: A Journey of Passion and Commitment | Kanebridge News
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From Engineering to Real Estate: A Journey of Passion and Commitment

Ayoub & Co., led by Architect Ahmad Ayoub, is committed to transforming the real estate market through innovative solutions and unparalleled services.

Wed, Jun 26, 2024 11:09amGrey Clock 6 min

Dubai’s real estate market is one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving in the world, characterized by a constant influx of new projects and a high demand for both residential and commercial properties. With a new project being launched approximately every eight hours, the market offers vast opportunities but also presents significant challenges for investors trying to navigate its complexities.

Amidst this rushing environment, Founder and CEO of Ayoub & Co, Architect Ahmad Ayoub, has emerged as a prominent figure, leveraging his engineering background and deep understanding of the market to provide unique insights and trustworthy advice.

In this interview, Ahmad shares his journey from engineering to real estate, discusses what makes Dubai such a unique market, and offers valuable guidance for investors looking to make informed decisions.

Can you share with us some insight into your early experiences that shaped your career path?

In Lebanon, my family had a small development company. From a young age, I had an instinctual love for business and selling, but like many in our community, there was a strong push to pursue engineering or medicine career.

We often admired engineering before fully understanding what it entailed. So, I went into engineering, but I also dabbled in selling real estate and various other things, because selling is a universal skill. It’s not just about products; it’s about selling yourself, your ideas, and even your concepts. This passion for selling was evident since the beginnings.

In 2014, my brother and I moved to Abu Dhabi and started working in engineering. I worked on numerous projects, including hospitals, schools, and various buildings. I worked with my uncle in a very reputable company, who was a demanding operations manager. He treated our work like military training, pushing me to the limit with no off days. Those five years felt like a decade’s worth of experience.

I wanted to deeply understand the products. This comprehensive knowledge was crucial for me to confidently approach clients. I wanted more from my career. I wanted a job where people needed my services, not just one where I needed the job. I started investing in my personal development, attending seminars, reading books, and learning from successful people.

In a bold move, I left Abu Dhabi for Dubai. I decided there was no turning back. This marked the beginning of my journey into real estate, and within months, I had started my own company.

What differentiates you from the many other real estate companies in Dubai?

The market is indeed saturated, and everything has become a marketing game. What sets us apart is our engineering foundation. My brother and I are both engineers; I’m an architectural engineer, and he’s a civil engineer. Our sister is an interior design engineer, and about 70% of our team are engineers. We come from a background deeply rooted in understanding the technical aspects of construction, from materials to mechanical and electrical systems. This isn’t just a job for us; it’s our passion and expertise.

Unlike many others, we don’t focus solely on selling. If you check my Instagram page, you won’t find traditional marketing about projects. Instead, we focus on building trust and providing genuine consultation. I don’t push people to deal with us; they come to us for our expertise and honesty. We teach our agents to see themselves as real estate consultants, not salespeople. People today want someone they can trust, not just another salesperson.

Our office environment reflects this philosophy. There are no receptionists because we don’t want any barriers between us and our clients. We treat our clients like family, making them feel at home from the moment they walk in. This personal, trust-based approach is what truly sets us apart from the many others in the industry.

You mentioned that you left Abu Dhabi and you relocated to Dubai. What are the characteristics of Dubai that you can’t find in any other country?

Honestly, what you find in Dubai is unmatched elsewhere. I’ve traveled to many places—Europe, the UK, Asia, other Gulf cities, Turkey—but Dubai stands out. While every country has its unique charm, Dubai brings everything together in one place. Despite being a desert, Dubai is a city that looks to the future like no other.

From the moment you step into DXB airport, you feel the difference. The airport is immaculate, the people are welcoming, and everything runs efficiently. This level of organization is something you rarely find in other country around the world. Dubai offers everything you need to launch and sustain a project: robust infrastructure, a hungry market, safety, excellent schools, healthcare, and even beaches.

The city is incredibly clean and modern, with the government driving rapid advancements in technology and infrastructure. They are implementing cutting-edge AI and tech systems faster than many other countries. Convenience is key here; almost everything can be managed through your mobile phone.

While you see successful individuals in cities like New York or Miami, in Dubai, it’s on another level. The entire city embodies success and progress, making it a unique place to live and work. The government’s proactive approach ensures that everything is always improving, which means I just need to keep up with this fast-paced, innovative environment.

The real estate market in Dubai is known for its rapid development. Can you provide some insights on how to navigate this market?

The real estate market in Dubai is indeed very active, with a new project being launched approximately every eight hours. These projects can vary significantly, from individual buildings to large-scale developments with hundreds of villas. For investors, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what you’re looking for.

Investment opportunities can be categorized into short-term, medium-term, and long-term. At present, short-term investments are less common, but there are plenty of promising opportunities in the medium-term (five to six years) and long-term (ten years). Dubai and the UAE still have vast areas that are undeveloped; only about 5-6% of the land is currently built up. This means there’s significant potential in investing in new and emerging areas.

To make money in real estate here, you need to look at new areas that are being developed. These areas are often upgraded with the latest infrastructure and amenities, which can lead to substantial appreciation in property values.

In addition, when considering investments, don’t just focus on big developers. Smaller developers can also offer profitable deals. However, the most critical factor is the location. In Dubai, a prime location will always yield good returns. So, my advice is to prioritize location when making your investment decisions.

If you had some advice for investors coming from a completely different region, what would be the first thing you’d tell them about investing in Dubai’s market?

My first piece of advice would be to thoroughly study the market. It’s essential to understand the dynamics and know whom to trust.

In this market, there are many salespeople, same as every market, you have to find the right consultant. Your decision is the real difference.

The key is to differentiate between a good real estate consultant and a person who is just good at marketing or sales. You need to find a reputable company and a trustworthy consultant. Once you do, it simplifies everything.

Investing in Dubai requires more than just finding a property; it’s about getting the right advice tailored to your real needs. This ensures that your investment is sound and aligns with your goals. So, do your homework, find a reliable consultant, and let them guide you through the process efficiently and effectively.

What are your plans for the near future and how do you picture your expansion?

We have set both short-term and long-term plans. In the short term, over the next year, our goal is to spread our content throughout the Arab world. We aim to reach Arabs worldwide, including those traveling or living abroad. These individuals need to know about Dubai, trust the people here, and understand the investment opportunities.

To achieve this, we plan to conduct seminars in various countries. While social media is a great tool, we believe in the power of face-to-face connections. Starting at the end of this month, we will begin traveling to different countries to hold these seminars, aiming to connect directly with those interested in real estate but not yet convinced by online content. We also plan to collaborate with local businessmen and influential figures in these countries to help us reach the right audience.

In the long term, over the next five years, we are looking to start our own real estate development projects. Given our engineering background, this is a natural progression for us. We also plan to establish an in-house interior design company in collaboration with an Italy-based firm. This will allow us to offer comprehensive services to our clients.

We want our office to be a one-stop shop, providing everything from legal advice and real estate consultancy to sales and property management. We want to ensure our clients feel supported and taken care of throughout the entire process.

Our vision is to create a seamless experience for our clients, where everything is managed and controlled efficiently, providing them with peace of mind and exceptional service.

At the end, I would like to invite everyone interested in Dubai’s real estate market to contact us. We will be offering complimentary consultations to connect, answer your questions, and provide expert guidance.


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By continuously evolving and adapting to market needs, Omniyat Group stands poised to lead the future of real estate in the region, setting new benchmarks in luxury and innovation.

Commenting on the launch, Amjad said: “Nineteen years ago, I founded Omniyat with a clear mission to achieve the unprecedented in Dubai’s real estate sector. A city of superlatives, Dubai is globally renowned for its remarkable story of progress and achievement, and we wanted to bring iconic projects to Dubai’s skyline that stood apart for their design, innovation, and artistry.”

“Encouraged by the UAE’s robust growth and long-term vision and inspired by the success of our ultra-luxury brand, I am establishing Omniyat Group to invest in other brands and companies to address different segments of the UAE’s strong growing real estate market with an uncompromising principle of ‘Best in class, in every class’ we address.”

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“Guided by an unwavering commitment to excellence, we will continuously strive to raise standards and curate experiences that make life better, in every sector we engage in,” he added.


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