The Evolution of A Quantum AI Powerhouse in Financial Markets | Kanebridge News
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The Evolution of A Quantum AI Powerhouse in Financial Markets

How is Redefining Financial Tech with AI.

Tue, Jun 4, 2024 12:18pmGrey Clock 4 min

In the rapidly evolving world of financial technology, emerges as a standout innovator. Founded by a group of traders frustrated by the traditional constraints of portfolio management, iQuant has embraced the cutting-edge potential of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum computing to revolutionize the finance sector. This interview offers an intimate look into the entrepreneurial journey of Adrian Campbell, iQuant Funds’s chairman, as he shares the motivations, obstacles, and technological advancements that have catapulted iQuant to global prominence.

  1. What inspired the creation of iQuant, and what problem were you aiming to solve?

The concept for iQuant originated from our own experiences as traders. We often found ourselves juggling multiple screens, analyzing vast amounts of data, and spending countless hours away from our families. We knew there had to be a better way to manage our portfolios without sacrificing our personal lives. That’s when the idea to harness the power of AI and machine learning came into focus. We wanted a system that could automate our trading strategies, allowing us to achieve high returns while still enjoying our time with loved ones.

  1. How did iQuant transition from a personal trading tool to a billion-dollar enterprise?

Initially, we developed the AI model to assist with our day-to-day trading, focusing on day trading CFDs and equities on the ASX market. The success of our initial model led us to expand its scope to include other exchanges, such as NASDAQ and NYSE, and transition to a long-only strategy with Modern Portfolio Theory. As we continued to refine our AI and genetic modelling techniques, the system’s capabilities grew exponentially, attracting interest from outside investors. Our successful Series A funding round, combined with a proven track record, propelled us into the broader market, ultimately leading to our current billion-dollar valuation.

  1. What role does Quantum AI play in iQuant’s success, and how does it differ from traditional AI approaches?

Quantum AI represents a significant leap forward in computational power and efficiency. It allows us to process enormous volumes of data, uncovering patterns and relationships that traditional AI might miss. This technology is crucial for our daily market forecasts and portfolio adjustments. With Quantum AI, we can explore multiple scenarios simultaneously, optimizing our portfolios for maximum returns while minimizing risks. This level of sophistication is what sets us apart from traditional funds and other AI-based financial platforms.

  1. Who are your primary target markets, and how does iQuant perform on global exchanges?

Our platform is designed to work across various global exchanges, including NASDAQ, NYSE, ASX, and Hong Kong Stock Exchange, among others. We partner with leading fund managers in each country, operating under a revenue-sharing model that allows us to tailor our services to the unique characteristics of each market. Our AI models are adaptable, and we update them daily to reflect changing market conditions, ensuring consistent performance across all exchanges.

  1. How does iQuant approach risk management, and what measures are in place to ensure portfolio stability?

Risk management is at the core of our strategy. We apply Modern Portfolio Theory to optimize our portfolios, focusing on diversification and maximizing the Sharpe ratio. Our AI models process a wide range of data, including market, social, technical, and fundamental factors, to generate daily forecasts and adjust portfolios accordingly. This approach allows us to maintain a high level of stability while achieving strong returns.

  1. Has iQuant faced any significant challenges or setbacks, and how did you overcome them?

Like any startup, we’ve encountered our share of challenges. One of the biggest hurdles was ensuring our models were robust enough to handle different market conditions without losing effectiveness. We spent years refining our risk management strategies, integrating advanced AI techniques, and applying genetic modelling to improve our models’ accuracy. These efforts paid off, as we’ve seen consistent growth and performance across all markets we operate in.

  1. How does iQuant differentiate itself from competitors in the financial AI sector?

Our focus on Quantum AI and genetic modelling sets us apart from other AI-based financial platforms. These technologies enable us to process and analyze data at unprecedented speeds, allowing us to create highly dynamic, risk-managed portfolios. Additionally, our revenue-sharing model fosters strong partnerships with leading fund managers, providing them with exclusive access to our technology while allowing us to tap into their market expertise. This collaborative approach has been key to our success and growth.

  1. What are iQuant’s plans for the future, and how do you see the platform evolving over time?

We’re constantly exploring new opportunities to expand our offerings. Our future roadmap includes intraday forecasting, futures, and options trading. We also plan to work closely with our partners to develop specialized portfolios for specific markets, such as tech, green, emerging, and finance. Ultimately, we aim to reshape the global landscape of equity portfolio management, providing innovative solutions that drive high returns while managing risks effectively.

  1. How can interested investors and partners get involved with iQuant, and what should they know before reaching out?

We welcome inquiries from investors and partners interested in leveraging our technology. To ensure a successful collaboration, we require a minimum level of capital and an openness to embracing AI-based portfolio management. Our partnership model is designed to be flexible, allowing us to tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each partner. We’re committed to building strong relationships based on open communication, accessibility, flexibility, and mutual benefit.

  1. What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs and startups looking to enter the financial AI sector?

My advice would be to focus on innovation and never stop learning. The financial AI sector is highly dynamic, with new technologies and trends emerging constantly. To succeed, you must stay ahead of the curve, embrace new ideas, and be willing to adapt your strategies as needed. Additionally, building strong partnerships and maintaining open communication with your team and stakeholders are crucial for long-term success. Surround yourself with talented individuals who share your vision, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are worth it.


For more information, you can visit: www.iQuant.Fund


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UAE Federal Tax Authority Urges Compliance with Corporate Tax Deadlines

Compliance with these deadlines is crucial to avoid administrative penalties.

Wed, Jul 3, 2024 2 min

The UAE’s Federal Tax Authority (FTA) is urging Corporate Taxpayers to adhere to submission deadlines to avoid fines. Specifically, Resident Juridical Persons with licenses issued in May (regardless of the year) must submit their Corporate Tax registration applications by July 31, 2024, in line with Federal Tax Authority Decision No. 3 of 2024.

This decision aligns with the Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses and its amendments, effective from March 1, 2024. The FTA stresses the importance of meeting these registration deadlines, which have been communicated through various media channels and direct outreach to registered company owners in the UAE.

Utilizing the EmaraTax Platform

Compliance with these deadlines is crucial to avoid administrative penalties. The deadlines apply to both juridical and natural persons, including Resident and Non-Resident Persons in the UAE. Detailed information on these deadlines and other relevant issuances can be found on the FTA’s official website.

According to the FTA’s Public Clarification, Resident Juridical Persons established or recognized before March 1, 2024, must submit their tax registration applications based on the month their license was issued. Those with expired licenses as of March 1, 2024, should submit their applications based on the original issuance month. For those holding multiple licenses, the earliest issuance date applies.

Administrative penalties for corporate tax violations have been in effect since August 1, 2023. To facilitate the registration process, taxpayers must use the “EmaraTax” digital platform, available 24/7, or seek assistance from accredited tax agents and government service centers.

The FTA has also emphasized the importance of providing accurate information and submitting updated supporting documents correctly with the electronic registration application, noting that registering for Corporate Tax for a juridical person requires uploading various documents, including the commercial license, the Emirates ID card, the passport of the authorized signatory, and proof of authorization for the authorized signatory.

A comprehensive video explaining the registration process through the “EmaraTax” platform is available on the FTA’s website. This platform, designed according to international best practices, aims to streamline the registration journey, submission of periodic returns, and payment of due taxes for all UAE taxpayers.


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