The Exact Age When You Make Your Best Financial Decisions | Kanebridge News
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The Exact Age When You Make Your Best Financial Decisions

There’s a magic number for when your expertise and cognitive powers align

Mon, Aug 28, 2023 8:53amGrey Clock 4 min

The prime years for making smart financial decisions are, on average, 53 and 54.

At around that age, people have accumulated knowledge and experience about money, spending and saving, but haven’t begun losing key analytic cognitive skills. It’s also roughly the age when adults make the fewest financial mistakes, related to things like credit-card use, interest rates and fees.

Knowing what leads to the financial strength of your early 50s is valuable. Younger adults can delve more deeply into basics like inflation and interest rates to hedge against lack of experience, and those who are older can work to keep their analytical skills sharp.

“As we get older, we seem to rely more on past experience, rules of thumb, and intuitive knowledge about which products or strategies are better,” says Rafal Chomik, an economist in Australia at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research.

Chomik led a 2022 study that looked at financial literacy, which is the ability to understand financial information and apply it to managing personal finances. Financial literacy typically peaks at age 54 and then declines, according to the study.

The study gauged financial literacy using questions about inflation, interest rates and diversification. One question: If in five years, your income has doubled and prices have doubled, will you be able to buy (A) less, (B) the same, (C) more than today. (Answer: B)

People can—and do—make good financial decisions from their 20s to their 40s, as well as into their 60s and 70s. Chomik, who is 45, says some of his best financial decisions came earlier in his life and involved his 401(k)-type savings account. Contributions were mandatory when he started his first job at around age 18, but once enrolled, he actively chose funds that benefit those who have a longer investment horizon.

Financial decision-making requires a combination of reasoning skills that differ by age. Those in their 20s are better at absorbing and processing new information and computing numbers—so-called fluid intelligence—but don’t have as much life experience or crystallised intelligence—the accumulation of facts and knowledge. Crystallised intelligence tends to improve with age.

Getting help

Beverly Miller, a financial coach who often works with people who are in debt, says she did most things right before her 50s, avoiding credit-card debt, paying off car loans and paying off a 30-year mortgage in 12 years.

But she didn’t invest as wisely as she could have. For example, she moved money in a retirement savings account out of growth funds and into fixed-income funds.

“We would let market changes scare us into making changes we shouldn’t have,” says Miller, 65.

Miller says she and her husband could have made more money if they had left it in growth funds. Likewise, she invested in rental properties, which she thought could be an easy source of income but weren’t.

It wasn’t until she was in her 50s that she and her husband finally turned to a certified financial planner to help with investments, she says.

“In your 50s, you have enough maturity and experience to know you need help,” says Miller.

Age of reason

People make financial mistakes at any and every age, but they made fewer mistakes at the age of 53, according to economic researchers. In one study, economists looked at financial choices made by adults in 10 financial areas, including home-equity loans, lines of credit, mortgages and credit cards, and how those decisions affected fees and interest payments.

Fees and interest payments, across all 10 areas, are at their lowest levels around age 53, according to the 2009 study in the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. That age was referred to as the “age of reason,” or the point at which financial mistakes are minimised. A financial mistake would include overestimating the value of a house, for instance.

At the age of 53, “people have been dealing with financial markets for years and know how to look for the right financial product, and minimise fees and payments,” says Sumit Agarwal, a professor of finance at the National University of Singapore and an author of the study.

Agarwal turned 53 this year.

“I have a lot of experience capital right now,” he says. “Going forward, I will be making more mistakes and will be slower making decisions.” People can keep their analytical skills strong and continue to make good decisions by reading and exercising the brain, he says.

One financial mistake 50-year-olds tend to make involves underestimating their life expectancy, which can lead to flawed planning decisions about retirement. A typical 50-year-old expects to live until age 76, when actuarial estimates have that person living another decade to age 86, according to Chomik’s study, which looked at surveys in Australia. A 2020 study in the U.S. found that 28% of adults 50 and older underestimated their life expectancy by at least five years.

Kristen Jacks, a 55-year-old financial educator based in New Haven, Conn., says people in their 50s have often experienced enough financial pain to make them more acutely aware of the need to weigh all financial alternatives carefully and avoid mistakes.

“You’re also at the age when you look at your retirement savings and realise you’re running out of years to make it bigger,” says Jacks.

She also works with younger people who can underspend as well as overspend. One young man in his 20s, she says, earned good money as a traveling nurse but was living in a small $600 a month apartment that he hated.

She says her own best financial decisions are lifelong habits. Jacks, who bought a $1,500 certificate of deposit when she was 15 using babysitting money, doesn’t accumulate credit-card debt and lives below her means.

“You do that for 20-plus years, and you are so much better off,” she says.


Chris Dixon, a partner who led the charge, says he has a ‘very long-term horizon’

Americans now think they need at least $1.25 million for retirement, a 20% increase from a year ago, according to a survey by Northwestern Mutual

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UAE Federal Tax Authority Urges Compliance with Corporate Tax Deadlines

Compliance with these deadlines is crucial to avoid administrative penalties.

Wed, Jul 3, 2024 2 min

The UAE’s Federal Tax Authority (FTA) is urging Corporate Taxpayers to adhere to submission deadlines to avoid fines. Specifically, Resident Juridical Persons with licenses issued in May (regardless of the year) must submit their Corporate Tax registration applications by July 31, 2024, in line with Federal Tax Authority Decision No. 3 of 2024.

This decision aligns with the Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses and its amendments, effective from March 1, 2024. The FTA stresses the importance of meeting these registration deadlines, which have been communicated through various media channels and direct outreach to registered company owners in the UAE.

Utilizing the EmaraTax Platform

Compliance with these deadlines is crucial to avoid administrative penalties. The deadlines apply to both juridical and natural persons, including Resident and Non-Resident Persons in the UAE. Detailed information on these deadlines and other relevant issuances can be found on the FTA’s official website.

According to the FTA’s Public Clarification, Resident Juridical Persons established or recognized before March 1, 2024, must submit their tax registration applications based on the month their license was issued. Those with expired licenses as of March 1, 2024, should submit their applications based on the original issuance month. For those holding multiple licenses, the earliest issuance date applies.

Administrative penalties for corporate tax violations have been in effect since August 1, 2023. To facilitate the registration process, taxpayers must use the “EmaraTax” digital platform, available 24/7, or seek assistance from accredited tax agents and government service centers.

The FTA has also emphasized the importance of providing accurate information and submitting updated supporting documents correctly with the electronic registration application, noting that registering for Corporate Tax for a juridical person requires uploading various documents, including the commercial license, the Emirates ID card, the passport of the authorized signatory, and proof of authorization for the authorized signatory.

A comprehensive video explaining the registration process through the “EmaraTax” platform is available on the FTA’s website. This platform, designed according to international best practices, aims to streamline the registration journey, submission of periodic returns, and payment of due taxes for all UAE taxpayers.


Chris Dixon, a partner who led the charge, says he has a ‘very long-term horizon’

Americans now think they need at least $1.25 million for retirement, a 20% increase from a year ago, according to a survey by Northwestern Mutual

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