Is Germany’s Economic Model Truly Kaputt? | Kanebridge News
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Is Germany’s Economic Model Truly Kaputt?

Mon, Aug 14, 2023 8:44amGrey Clock 4 min

More than two decades after Germany was famously called “the sick man of the euro” by The Economist magazine, investors must wonder if the country’s industrial heart is once again critically weak. This week brought more dismal German economic data: Industrial production fell 1.5% in June from the previous month, worse than analysts expected. Though figures released on Friday showed a rise in exports, the volume of goods Germany sends abroad is still close to lows plumbed in the 2009 global financial crisis.


German gross domestic product has clocked three quarters of negative or zero growth , making the country the worst performer among major eurozone nations since 2019. Previously it was the top performer. How long this “slowcession” lasts is a crucial question for picking stocks in Europe. Despite the recent economic reversal, the DAX has been by far the best equity index in the eurozone over 20 years, returning almost 360%.

By comparison, investing in long-stagnant Italy yielded a paltry 140% return. German industrial output has been in decline since 2018, when global vehicle sales fell for the first time in almost a decade. A postpandemic rebalancing of spending toward services has made the situation worse. Growth in China, the fourth-largest market for German exporters, has slowed.

On Thursday, shares in Siemens —the largest industrial firm in Europe—fell 5% after it cited these two factors as the cause of a fall in orders during the second quarter. Some of the grit that has gotten into the German economic machine might be hard to dislodge . Chinese carmakers have turned from partners into fierce competitors as Volkswagen , BMW and Mercedes-Benz play catch-up in electric-vehicle technology.

It isn’t just China that is seeking to substitute imports for domestic products; the Biden administration is copying Beijing’s playbook. There is also energy. At the same time as German industry has lost Russia as its main source of cheap gas, Berlin has closed the country’s last three nuclear power plants. Angst has gripped German officials and executives in an echo of worries voiced at the start of the millennium, when unemployment surged and globalisation ravaged factories.

Back then, the response was a policy package that prioritised international competitiveness, incentivising the creation of low-pay “minijobs.” The government embraced fiscal austerity and nudged unions to push for wage restraint. The result was a 20-year decline in unemployment and a current-account surplus that reached an eye-watering 8% of GDP even as the U.S. ran huge deficits. Many economists praised German labor flexibility and fiscal austerity.

Conversely, critics pointed out that surpluses made most households worse off, and that Germany’s factory-job losses were just as large as America’s. Politics aside, it was largely a fortuitous jump in foreign demand that drove growth, allowing the nation to solidify gains in industries where it already had an advantage.

“Over the last 20 years, Germany always had an external sugar daddy: China, the eurozone and then the U.S.,” said Carsten Brzeski , chief economist at ING.

The flaw in this model was that it outsourced economic policy, leading to problematic dependencies on geopolitical rivals. It also fostered an excessive focus on old winners at the expense of new digital technologies and renewable energy.  Bearish investors are right that it will take years to rectify these problems, particularly given the complexity of consensus-based German politics. Yet the German export-led model also got a lot right. As in China or South Korea, it channeled demand toward higher-productivity, higher-wage firms.


Unlike in the U.S., German manufacturing became more complex. That allowed the country’s industrial base to survive better than in other Western countries. In a world where nations are scrambling to reshore industries, Germany already has them. The readiest answer to its growth challenge isn’t to turn away from manufacturing but to double down by taking a page from Chinese and now U.S. industrial policy.

The German government is already doing this with semiconductors as part of the European Chips Act. Back in June, it signed off on 10 billion euros (around $11 billion) in subsidies for American chip maker Intel to build two plants, and earlier this week it committed €5 billion to help Taiwan’s TSMC   set up a factory with local partners like Infineon.

A similar approach is needed to upgrade the country’s power generation and transmission and accelerate the transformation of carmakers and other industrial incumbents. Long-term energy guarantees could stem cost swings in the meantime. Given its political influence over the European Union, it seems hard to imagine that the bloc’s green-economy push could somehow leave Germany in a less dominant position . Historically, this is one patient that always leaves the hospital.


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The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Dubai Chambers, marking a significant step towards enhancing cooperation and strengthening economic and trade relations between Dubai and Australia. This strategic agreement aims to foster the development of robust partnerships between the business communities in both regions.

In today’s interview, we will delve with Mr. Lyall Gorman, Vice President of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, into the objectives and anticipated impacts of this MoU, explore the key initiatives and projects that will arise from this collaboration, and discuss the potential challenges and strategies for overcoming them.

We will also look into how this agreement aligns with the broader strategic goals of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the future of trade relations between Australia and the Middle East.

Can you give us a brief overview of the MoU signed with the Dubai Chamber? What are the main objectives?

The MoU we signed is designed for the two chambers to collaborate for mutual benefit and interest, focusing on business-to-business interactions. We are currently exploring opportunities around delegations, information sharing, trade, commerce, and e-commerce. The main goal is to bring businesses together in a structured manner to share ideas and encourage positive outcomes.

This partnership aims to increase the understanding of each other’s economies, recognize opportunities in each other’s regions, and work together to create mutual benefits. By doing that, we hope to enhance the economic ties between Dubai and Australia, leveraging each other’s strengths to create a more dynamic and prosperous business environment.

How do you see this MoU impacting trade relations between Australia and Dubai in the short and long term?

In the short term, we are expecting to generate a significant increase in awareness. By sharing information, data, and demographic insights, we will gain a better understanding of each other’s economic environments. This will help us identify existing opportunities for collaboration and potential mutual investment. From a trade perspective, we anticipate increased exports from Australia to Dubai and vice versa. This could include areas such as disruptive technology, medical research, education, construction, and agriculture—sectors that are currently emerging and critical.

In the long term, this enhanced understanding and collaboration will allow us to identify and capitalize on more opportunities. It’s about recognizing what’s happening in each other’s regions, understanding potential opportunities, and working together to create economic value. By fostering a deeper economic connection, we aim to create sustainable growth and mutual benefits over time.

What sectors or industries do you see as the primary beneficiaries of this partnership?

There are several mutual opportunities we aim to explore. Dubai has evolved incredibly over the last 20 years, achieving remarkable growth. However, there are still areas where further cooperation can drive growth. Some of the key initiatives will focus on sectors such as AI, digital disruptive technologies, smart technologies, financial services, education, construction, and advanced technologies.

Australia is highly regarded for its building codes and manufacturing capacity, especially in the construction sector. Additionally, I believe food security presents an interesting opportunity. As a major exporter of meat and other food products, Australia can contribute significantly to food security discussions, which is particularly relevant for Dubai.

Education is another area with significant potential for collaboration. By exploring these sectors, we aim to implement projects that not only address current challenges but also pave the way for sustainable development and innovative solutions in both regions.

What challenges do you foresee in the implementation of this MoU, and how do you plan to address them?

The cultural differences can impact how business is conducted, and this requires careful navigation. To address this, we need open and transparent communication, fostering a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect. It’s essential to have a genuine desire to embrace each other’s cultural differences and find common ground.

Another potential challenge is ensuring that both sides fully understand and adapt to each other’s regulatory environments and market dynamics. Dubai has matured significantly into a global business and corporate hub, which helps, but there are still differences to consider.

By prioritizing understanding and respect, and committing to ongoing learning from each other, we can effectively manage these challenges. Working together in a considerate and respectful manner will be crucial in overcoming any hurdles that may arise during the implementation of this MoU.

How does this MoU align with ACCI’s broader strategic goals for international trade and collaboration?

This MoU aligns closely with ACCI’s broader strategic goals by emphasizing the importance of fostering and diversifying economic partnerships on a global basis. The current global geopolitical situation has underscored the need for diversifying our supply chains and business relationships.

From an Australian perspective, the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and the evolving geopolitical environment have further highlighted the necessity of expanding our economic partnerships.

The Middle East, including the GCC, are regions where Australia already has strong relationships that can be further strengthened. Therefore, by working together, collaborating, and sharing knowledge and forward-thinking ideas, this MoU will help us identify and shape initiatives that add value and align with our strategic goals for international trade and collaboration.

How do you envision the future of trade relations between Australia and the Middle

I believe it will become stronger, more robust, and more regular, all for mutual benefit. There is a genuine willingness between both regions to grow and expand this relationship through a partnership model rather than a transactional one. This approach involves setting short, medium, and long-term goals, fostering a thriving and enduring relationship.

We have already established a strong partnership with Dubai Chambers and maintain a good relationship with the Dubai International Chamber here in Australia, led by Sophia Demetriades Toftdahl. This aligns with our strategic goal of global diversification in business.

Additionally, we recently signed an MoU with the Qatar Chamber and are about to sign with the Abu Dhabi Chamber as well.

Engaging with Saudi Arabia also makes sense, as it is a significantly emerging country. The last few years under new leadership have brought clarity to its economic, political, and social future and a strong passion and drive to become a major player in the region and global stage


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